They got a battering ram to smash down the door. 他们用一个大木槌把门撞破了。
Debris had broken windows, so every once in a while some floating battering ram a log or perhaps a table would bang into the walls and make a sound like a distant drum. 随水冲进来的碎石片击碎了窗户玻璃,偶尔,飘浮在水上的撞击物一根圆木,也有可能是一张桌子会猛烈地撞到墙上,发出的声音像是远方传来的鼓声。
The battering ram is a weapon used in ancient times for breaking down walls and gates in war. 破城槌是古时在战争中用来击破城墙和城门的武器。
Bolton Wanderers battering ram Kevin Davies is worried he is losing his hard-man image. 博尔顿的攻城铁锤代为斯在忧虑他正在丢失他的硬汉形象。